Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Long needed update

Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since anything has been posted. So let's start with the trip to California. Taylor went down a week before the rest of us. Spending time with his friend Parker at his cabin in Tahoe, helping him with the property. I drove down with Sherlock and watson. And my mom accompanied us on the trip as well! It was a fun mini trip, but boy was it nice to get out of the car after three days! We drove through a corner of yellow stone (no bears) and it was beautiful! Just outside Bozeman Montana we saw a herd of buffalo! Mom and I were so excited we had been looking for so long! Our hotel in Elko nv was next to a gun store. And we ate at a red lion casino, food was pretty good but their creme brûlée was better(hehehe) once we made it into California (after nearly being killed ten or so times) we got to the house and had a nice relaxing couple of hours before we jumped back in the car to celebrate Taylor's birthday at Mikunis (aww fresh seafood and sushi you cant smell a mile away!). The next day we headed down to see Taylor's mom and sister and our new niece for the first time! Spent a day in San Fran, the old stomping ground. Had a couple bread turtles. (As is tradition) took in the ocean breeze and headed back. Gosh I missed public transport.
Sherlock, Watson and Husband on the bed in SF
We then headed back up to Roseville/Lincoln to hang with more friends and family. The car trip back was not so anticipated. Luckily instead of having two dogs with me taylor took Watson when he headed back a week earlier, so it was just me and Sherlock. Poor pup didn't sleep at all in the car and would just pass out when we got to our hotels. But he did get to sleep in the bed with mommy so he was happy about that. Once we got home he perked back up and promptly started to play with his brother.
Sherlock looking at himself, he promptly barked after this

Watson decided he needed cuddles
Sherlock doesn't like to be left alone in the back of the car.

Sherlock passed out of a "stressful" car trip.

not happy about having to wear a doggy seat belt.

I think Watson might have passed gas in this one.
We had a nice easy holiday season, and with the new year (as always) there were some changes. Taylor was told his deployment date. (Which of course changed several times) hopefully it's only for six months. He is currently in Guam right now, and he says it's beautiful there. And as much as I'd like to visit him while he is there, it just to much money to do so.(Also not so fond of the long plane ride) he has promised to take pictures so there will be picture updates, hopefully.

I got two tattoos which have healed up nicely. A friend of mine went with me since Taylor could not. And I also got a new (super nice/fancy) sewing machine! I have made one bear and some iPhone wallets. I'll probably stick to bears. I've also signed up for online sewing classes, hopefully they pay off. Now for our general and extremely loose plans of the future. We are moving to Oregon in 2015. Taylor and I, as much as we'd like to live in California, have come to the conclusion it's just to expensive to do that. But we still want to be close, naturally our options were Oregon or Arizona. Eventually we picked Corvallis Oregon as our spot. Taylor plans to go to Oregon state and I to a community college (for their degree programs) linn-Benton community college. It's about an 8hr car drive north of friends and family on the 5 which is most exciting for us. Close enough for weekend and holiday visits, far enough away to be our own. We love you all, but we need to do our stuff too. I personally can not wait to be out of the -75 (with windchill) and snow! And have a garden year round, fresh homegrown for me! Which leads me to the next topic, my final garden until the move. Done a little differently this year, I've decided to plant in small totes. So far 16 pumpkins, 2 watermelons, cucumbers and peas, tomatoes and lettuce. Moriarty ate the bell peppers and onions so they need to be replanted. Going to grow some others so keep your eyes peeled. (Haha unintentional pun!) hopefully we all make it through this deployment with out a hitch, and if you wanna visit North Dakota give it two months and maybe our snow will be melted by then! Hahaha.

Sherlock and Watson posing for the camera

Moriarty being camera shy

Julia and Taylor Skyping while he is in Guam.

- Julia Taylor Watson Sherlock and Moriarty

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

If I could have gotten them to stay still long enough I'd have used my nice camera and not my phone! But Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a great time, be safe for those who can't (or wont) and Happy New Year to everyone!!