Tuesday, December 17, 2013

If I could have gotten them to stay still long enough I'd have used my nice camera and not my phone! But Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a great time, be safe for those who can't (or wont) and Happy New Year to everyone!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting Ready!

Hi Everyone!

We are getting closer and closer to our trip date! Just a little update, Taylor will be in california a week before Julia, he will be helping a friend with his cabin in Tahoe! Julia will be in california on the 24th (Taylor's birthday) some time in the afternoon! So feel free to stop by and meet the four legged furry children Sherlock and Watson! and their uncle dog Buddy!

Between now and when Taylor leaves we are going to try and replace Julia's brakes....so cross your fingers!

"I'll make sure Taylor takes pictures of his trip down and at the cabin so we can keep the blog up to date!" -Julia "And of course you can trust me to take pictures!"

Much Love
Julia Taylor Watson Sherlock and Prof. Moriarty

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Business Time!


So for those of you friends with Julia on facebook, you probably already know about her at home business "Home Cooked Love". Its a dog treat business! well she got a website all up and running and would like to share with the rest of you!


There is a handy link for you to enjoy! Check it out, and if you want some treats when we come home this summer let me know I'll make some and bring them back! Thanks!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Newest Member of the Kirby Family!


We'd like to introduce you to the newest member of the Kirby Family, drum roll please...............Meet Watson!
aka Kipper from the shelter
(^ Picture from the Shelter Website)
Watson is a Blue Heeler, or Australian Sheppard Dog, mixed with Border Collie. He is about 7-8 months old. We found him at the local Souris Valley Animal Shelter, so not much is known about him.
 Here he is in the car sniffing out Sherlock's seat, shhh don't tell him, he won't like that.

Down here we have him excited about what is going on outside of the car! Hopefully we don't have a car chaser on our hands.
 He was so excited in the car had to make a couple stops, needed to get an extra tether (since we don't have a fence yet) and another leash! He was happy the whole time!

Sherlock's excited face when I told him we get to keep him. (Its a bit of a creepy face too :S)

Here they are playing for the first time! They get along so well already! Only one little spat so far, but it ended quickly. Watson still doesn't really know his name but we will work on that!

He is very loving and just wants to cuddle all the time! We'd like to thank Jeanine and Dylan for being our references (as you two know what it was like with Sherlock and Moriarty best!) We are supper excited to show him off to all of our friends and family when we get home! Next stop is to get signed up for Obedience classes! Super excited! We'll keep you updated about his progress (Sherlock too as he will be going to class as well). Our goal is to get into agility and maybe advanced obedience. We might even do a couple of competitions. We'll see. Anyway, welcome Watson! We are so happy to have you here! Already being spoiled.

-Julia Taylor Sherlock Moriarty and Watson

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lovely Little Garden!


So a while back I planed some lettuce tomatoes and pumpkins. Well Sherlock, the little stinker that he is, got a hold of some of the pumpkins and well spread it across the front yard. Having given up hope on them I come out to where I planted them originally, and to my surprise there is one little sprout!

(Thats spinach! there's more where it came from too!) ------------------------->

So I keep watering it and it grows and grows, its not to big yet but its getting there! Then the lettuce sprouts and the tomatoes start to sprout! And then out of no where I look at the front yard and I see that my pumpkin is growing in patches every where!!! Super exciting! I was actually upset that I wasn't going to have any but the one and then there they all are! I will have pumpkins in October! So excited about them all!
I went to fill my pitcher up and there was a whole cluster of them under the fosset out side in the front yard, and I was looking at them didn't think they quite matched up. Watered the one pumpkin I know I have and then looked at them again, sure enough they are my pumpkins. Not sure if you can see it or not but there are buds growing, so I know I'll at least have two pumpkins when the time comes :)
Its going to be a challenge to get the pre-existing weeds out of the batches but I'm sure I'll be able to grab them!
Best mistake on Sherlock's part, I know he had fun ripping them from the ground. I might have to dig them up and replant them but we'll see. Just to make it easier on husband to mow the lawn and all.

I've also planted some herbs, thyme sage rosemary parsley oregano mint basil and some spinach too! Not sure which is which, except for the spinach, I have twelve spinach plants....actually fifteen. In this potted picture the left one is lettuce and the right one is tomatoes, you can't really see the tomatoes, they only just started to grow (like the last couple of days or so)


Friday, July 5, 2013

First Post! Family Update! All sorts of exciting news and updates! 7/5/13


Updated for the family, going back to the beginning of the year! (and a little of last year)
Starting with Pictures! be sure to put your email in the box where it says to type your email to get email notifications! 

Moriarty (or Professor Moriarty according to Taylor)

 We've got Sherlock



And a possible new addition Watson!

We currently don't have Watson, we've put an application in to adopt him at the local animal shelter. We are feeling pretty good about the adoption process, and will keep everyone updated on how its going with him. If all goes well we will be able to bring Sherlock and Watson home with us for our vacation later this summer!

Vacation News!

As of right now we are looking to come back to California the end of August for a two week visit. Leaving beginning of September. We will be bringing Sherlock (Watson still up in the air) so be prepared to see him!

Recent News!

-Some of you may know this already, but Taylor had to go to ALS (Airman leadership School) and not only did he pass he won the Levito Award! Which means he was the best of the best of his graduating class! So proud of him! He sews on Staff Sargent Select in August sometime.
(SRA Kuzi, SRA Kirby, Lt. Col. Little)

-Julia has recently started a new job at the Fairfield Inn as a front desk agent, so far so good! The credit union was great but going no where for her.
-We've finally got Julia's car working properly, the folks at the dealership where just as baffled as we were about it. Turns out the PMP (whatever that is) was bad and needed to be replaced. Luckily a lot of other things that needed to be fixed got fixed too! (just minor things like air filter and a new new battery)

-Our '67 Volkswagon bug is almost functional!
(Here she is in all her glory!)

With a newly partially rebuilt engine she is ready to try to trek across to California this summer during the vacation. Taylor and our good friend Dylan have been hard a work on her getting it back to her former glory! Next we need new seats. Fun fact stock bug seats are made of horse hair! So Julia's allergies don't like the bug so much. For those of you who went to Colorado with Julia when she was little, we remember what happened to her eyes after riding Whiskey! After a few cosmetic fixes, like a new back left wheel guard (since base housing backed into it) she will be good to go! Super excited about all the updates for this one, maybe one day we can enter into a classic car competition! 

-Some of you might have seen Moriarty after he had escaped a while back (Feburary-ish) He was quiet beat up, well turns out he isn't the smartest one in the bunch, he was so excited chasing the Dak Rats (A mix of black and ground squirrel found only in Minot ND! Lucky us) down their holes he scrapped him self up a bit. Had a bit of a scare, the vet thought that he had mange (which would have turned him bald!) luckily it wasn't!

-Sherlock was neutered earlier this year as well. Here he is being a good sport and being our satellite dish!

He is doing fine now, no more accidents around the house, (Thank God!!!) he has taken to randomly pinning the cat to the ground now though, but we are working on it. Puppy class was a huge success for him, graduated and we got the AKC Good Citizen award! Came with a certificate and medal! So proud of him.

-As mentioned earlier we are looking to get another puppy! Its come to our attention Sherlock needed a friend/brother. He has mild separation anxiety and well we thought for his sanity and ours as well! We love Sherlock dearly but we like to relax too! Anyway, we should know soon about him and if we will be getting him so keep your eyes peeled for and updated on that. We've gone to play with him a few times and he is just so excited to see us every time, and he is quite the cuddle bug too!
(Sorry we only have the one photo)
And that concludes the blog for today! Keep tuned in and we'll keep you up to date on the Kirby Family! More pictures to come!

-Julia Taylor Sherlock and Moriarty (for now anyway! :) )