Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lovely Little Garden!


So a while back I planed some lettuce tomatoes and pumpkins. Well Sherlock, the little stinker that he is, got a hold of some of the pumpkins and well spread it across the front yard. Having given up hope on them I come out to where I planted them originally, and to my surprise there is one little sprout!

(Thats spinach! there's more where it came from too!) ------------------------->

So I keep watering it and it grows and grows, its not to big yet but its getting there! Then the lettuce sprouts and the tomatoes start to sprout! And then out of no where I look at the front yard and I see that my pumpkin is growing in patches every where!!! Super exciting! I was actually upset that I wasn't going to have any but the one and then there they all are! I will have pumpkins in October! So excited about them all!
I went to fill my pitcher up and there was a whole cluster of them under the fosset out side in the front yard, and I was looking at them didn't think they quite matched up. Watered the one pumpkin I know I have and then looked at them again, sure enough they are my pumpkins. Not sure if you can see it or not but there are buds growing, so I know I'll at least have two pumpkins when the time comes :)
Its going to be a challenge to get the pre-existing weeds out of the batches but I'm sure I'll be able to grab them!
Best mistake on Sherlock's part, I know he had fun ripping them from the ground. I might have to dig them up and replant them but we'll see. Just to make it easier on husband to mow the lawn and all.

I've also planted some herbs, thyme sage rosemary parsley oregano mint basil and some spinach too! Not sure which is which, except for the spinach, I have twelve spinach plants....actually fifteen. In this potted picture the left one is lettuce and the right one is tomatoes, you can't really see the tomatoes, they only just started to grow (like the last couple of days or so)


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